Moving to a new city is a big decision to make. Although there are many positives, you may know nobody and consequently feel lonely. Another common issue is finding suitable rooms for rent, especially you’ve had unpleasant experiences with Craigslist or Facebook in the past. Although room hunting is not a straightforward task, there are tools out there to make it easier. With a good room finder, you can find great rooms within your budget, in your desired neighborhood. Sounds great, right? This article will compare Diggz, and the Diggz alternative, Roomi, to help you choose the best website to find rooms for rent in your area. Want to know more? Then, keep reading!

Features: What filters & preferences do these room finders offer to help you find your perfect room?

If you know what your dream room looks like, then a room finder that doesn’t give you a choice of preferences will be pretty unhelpful. Great room finders provide users with filters, including price ranges, locations, listings, lease durations, pet policies, and more. This makes sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. With that in mind, Roomi has a ton of features and filters that can assist users in finding the perfect room. But what about Diggz? Find out in our comparison below.

No fee apartments

All Roomi listings are no fee. Amazing, don’t you think? In fact, Diggz and Roomi both offer users no-fee apartments, meaning you don’t have to spend past your budget.

Related: Broker Fees in NYC: Everything you need to know

Pet-Friendly Apartments

Like Roomi, Diggz provides pet-friendly apartments. However, this is a limited Diggz feature as it does not provide the ‘other pets’ category that Roomi does. Diggz only accounts for cats and dogs, but Roomi makes provisions for other pets.


Few room finders provide you with the option of subletting apartments, but Roomi does. Though subletting is tricky, Roomi has simplified the process by letting you browse through legitimate listings by verified individuals. Diggz delivers you an assured selection of listed rents verified by its system.

Filtering rooms based on amenities

Roomi thrives on giving its customers premium satisfaction, therefore its room finder offers a vast array of amenities. This means you can filter your rooms based on your preferred amenities, ranging from private bathrooms to elevators. Diggz offers this filter as well, but it’s not as extensive as the choices that Roomi offers.

Filtering rooms based on Listing Type(entire place/shared rooms)

With Roomi, you can filter rooms based on the listing type. For example, a college student who wants to live with a roommate to cut down on costs may browse listings for shared rooms. Diggz, however, doesn’t provide this feature.

Filtering rooms based on House Rules

Few people can handle living in an environment that is not adequately tailored to their needs. Roomi provides a house rules filter that allows you to choose the rules you’re comfortable with, making it one of the best websites to find rooms for rent.

Related: Roomi vs Diggz: Choosing the Best Roommate Finder

Pricing: Which app offers the best free and paid features?

Both Diggz and Roomi offer free and premium plans for their users, but how well do these plans meet the needs of customers? Let’s find out.

Allowing Free Listings

On Roomi, it is free to sign up and list a place to rent. Users can list or activate up to 2 listings for free in any of the locations that Roomi supports. Likewise, it’s free to search for a place to rent. However, to achieve the best results, upgrading to the paid version of Roomi is advisable. The Roomi Gold subscription is priced at $29.99 per month or $14.99 per week and offers significant benefits. These include free bookings, a verified status upgrade, access to unlimited messages with potential roomies, and more. This subscription also comes with an optional background check that helps to ensure your safety when sharing your property.

Diggz is a free platform that allows you to search for rooms and roommates at no cost, but they also have a premium subscription plan. The Diggz premium subscription is required for more instant messages, profile boosts, and access to premium filters, most of which are offered to users for free by Roomi.

In-app messaging

Roomi offers full-fledged messaging tools so that users can ask questions and set up times to view apartments. You can also send secure messages and view responses for free on the Roomi app. Users can even ask Roomi to delete personal info present in their profile after finding a roommate, by contacting Roomi customer support. Diggz also provides instant messaging on their platform, however, this room finder requires you to upgrade after five messages have been sent.

Security: How do these apps ensure that the listings are credible?

Roomi is a great Diggz alternative that prioritizes the privacy of its users. To ensure maximum security, your listing address is not visible to others and only an approximate location is shown. Roomi also ensures that only real people with an actual room for rent can list on the platform.

Listers on Roomi have to verify their account by providing a copy of their lease, utility bill, or government-issued ID. After this, they earn badges that are viewable when other users are searching for rooms. The Security and Safety Team will also require verification of the address from the room lister. With Roomi’s in-house content moderation team, any listing or profile that violates this policy will be reviewed. You can also report questionable users or listings to get them removed.

Unlike Roomi, Diggz does not provide most of these features, but you can report any suspected breach of privacy by filling out a form. The website also employs A.I. to prevent scammers from ever joining the app, to help ensure listings are genuine. Plus, communication with users can stay on the platform until you feel it’s safe to give out your contact information.

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So, Which Is the Best Room Finder For You?

Yes, Diggz is a legit room finder. It has helped many people in the United States find suitable rooms for rent, as a good number of Diggz reviews have shown. However, Roomi has proven to be the best room finder overall, as its features are tailored to meet your needs. You can also choose from free and paid services, to gain access to advanced features like background checks, listing credits, and profile boosts. So, if you’re looking for a room finder that you can trust, then there’s no doubt that Roomi is the best option for you.

Roomi is your one-stop option to list or find rooms, find roommates to settle into a new city easily. Download the app and sign up today!