No one can prepare you for the feeling of adopting your first pet. It’s a magical moment! The moment you realize there’s no one else who will love you as unconditionally as your pet will. It’s one of the purest bonds to exist and in our opinion, everyone should experience it at least once! But a pet also means you’ll have to make several changes to your lifestyle. So, today we thought we’d discuss one such major change that you’ll have to make for the new pet in your life. But don’t worry, it’s the fun kinda change where you get to go shopping! Yes, we’re talking about making the decor of your Los Angeles apartment pet friendly. Doesn’t matter if it’s a quintessential tiny Los Angeles apartment or one of those rare big apartments, there is a pet-friendly apartment hack in here for you! So, let’s begin!

Related: How To Have Pets With Roommates In NYC

Get good quality pet gates to make your Los Angeles apartment pet friendly

Yes, we know, pet gates aren’t known to be the most beautiful addition to your decor, especially if it’s a small apartment. But trust us, you’re going to need it. Because as much as you adore your pet, sometimes giving them full access to your house can cause trouble. But you don’t have to buy pet gates that are ugly and ruin your vibe. There’s plenty of great (re: beautiful) options out there! For example, check out Pet Project LA for some really cool stuff to make your Los Angeles apartment pet friendly without compromising on your aesthetic. Try to look for gates that match the color scheme of your home, so that they become a part of your decor (now, that’s a good apartment hack!). Who said pet friendly apartments have to be an eye-sore!

A designated feeding station to make your Los Angeles apartment pet friendly

Now, this is the part where you get to be creative! A feeding station is obviously a necessary part of owning a pet. But most people don’t give it much thought and that’s such a mistake! This is a great opportunity to really make your Los Angeles Apartment pet friendly and beautiful! I mean, just look at this kitchen island with the in-built dog dishes!

Of course, this is an example of one of those fancy pet-friendly apartments. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the decor of your small apartment! The only apartment hack here is that there is no hack! Go as wild as you want! (Or as basic as you want, no judgement!).

Related: Thinking Of Adopting A Pooch With Your Roomie? Here is a Foolproof Guide!

Make use of the mudroom

Very few apartments have features that are pet friendly by default but a mudroom is one of them. If you happen to live in an apartment in Los Angeles that has a mudroom, then your home is already pet friendly! You just need to make some modifications! Set up a little clean-up station in your mudroom and call it a day. But if you happen to live in a small apartment that doesn’t have a mudroom, don’t worry, we’ve got decor solutions for you too! Just make some space near your door that will act as a clean up station. But remember any furniture you put around there should be stain-resistant! Another great apartment hack is to tile the area so that it’s easier to clean up the splatters! Here’s a gorgeous example of a DIY mudroom!

Furniture, fabric and fashion!

So, as you might already know, having pets can be quite stressful for your belongings… Of course you’ll train your pets and they’ll learn how to behave in-doors, but accidents will happen. Quite frequently. Making the decor of your small Los Angeles apartment pet friendly is actually not that difficult. It’s just about being careful about what you buy.

So, what do you do?

  • Well, for starters, invest in fabric that is stain-resistant. That means all your furniture, curtains, table cloths will have to be made from material that can sustain accidents. That’s what pet friendly apartments are all about.
  • We actually have a fantastic apartment hack for you here: try and pick a color scheme that matches your pet’s fur. That way, when they shed, it won’t be so obvious on your furniture.
  • Avoid furniture that your pet can chew on. Instead go for metal or leather.
  • Invest in washable paint, trust us on this.
  • A colorful rug will hide many secrets and accidents.
  • Since most household plants are poisonous for dogs, don’t keep those on ground level.

In the end, making your home decor more pet friendly is a way to show to your pet that they’re a part of your family. So, take a deep breath and do what feels right for you and your pet. You’ve got this!

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