If you’ve been looking online for stay at home jobs, make sure you stay safe and don’t fall for scams. Our favorite portal: We Work Remotely!

Looks like work from home is here to stay. And no one is complaining! We all are adjusting and adapting to the new normal. Which involves looking for online jobs, whether you want to leave a toxic work place behind, or just want to switch your job. Or maybe you’re fresh out of college and want to enter the professional world. Nonetheless, we’re all somewhere on the same field. And we’re looking for legitimate stay at home jobs that pay well and allow us some peace of mind too. So here’s a detailed guide on how to find legitimate stay at home jobs. Along with some companies that help look for the right job, such aswe work remotely.

Now that most of the population is desperately looking for legitimate online jobs to sustain themselves amidst apandemic, unfortunately, scammers have a new market to explore. So when you’re looking for stay at home jobs online, you need to be extra cautious and take certain measures to protect yourself and your career.

Things to keep in mind for stay at home jobs and offers

1. Email address

When a legitimate employer contacts you, they’ll do so with a legitimate company ID, (x@companyname.com) So if you get an offer for stay at home jobs from a personal Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail ID, that’s worrisome and you should not trust the job poster.

2. Job description

Another way to find out if a company is legitimate is if the stay at home job offer has a detailed job description that matches what you do for a living. If the job description is too vague. Or maybe it offers a job you’re not trained for. And they propose to train you on the job, then it’s probably a job scam.

3. Personal information

A surefire way to spot a job scam is when a potential employer asks for your personal information such as your social security number, your bank details etc. during, or right after the interview even before they hire you. Just make sure you never give out personal details on an interview call for stay at home jobs.

4. Application fee

This is probably one of the most obvious ones. But sadly, people who really need a job, and are not well versed with how the online world works, can get trapped into an employment scam like this. A company will ask for a nominal fee so they can interview you, or hire you. THIS IS THE REDDEST FLAG YOU WILL EVER SEE. No job can require you to pay so you can get hired. No matter what they say, do not ever pay a company to hire you. It always works the other way around.

A girl working on her laptop looking for stay at home jobs
Source: quotecatalog.com

How should you find legitimate stay at home jobs?

When looking for legitimate stay at home jobs, it’s always a good idea to find them on legitimate websites that allowjob seekersand posters to come together and find the perfect match.

Social platforms

LinkedIn is your safest bet. You can filter your search options to find stay at home jobs, and find legitimate employers and organizations easily.

Facebook and Instagram have also become budding job seeking and posting portals. You just need to be scrolling at the right time, and at the right place, and you never know, you might just find the perfect job.

Use remote job portals to find stay at home jobs

Other remote job portals work best when looking for stay at home jobs, such as Upwork, Fiverr, We Work Remotely, etc.

We personally love We Work Remotely! Apart from legitimate postings for stay at home jobs, they alsohave plenty resourcesto help you learn the art of stay at home jobs better.

Now if you’re ready to start on your work from home journey, here’s a blog by We Work Remotely withtips for starting new stay at home jobs.

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