Looking to make the switch to healthy snacks but don’t know where to start? Look no further! Because we’re going to give you some amazing recommendations for healthy snack ideas and recipes to make the switch easier!

Contrary to popular belief, going for healthy snacks can be inexpensive too! Instead of buying processed snacks such as cookies and granola bars, try buying healthy snacks such as fruits and veggies instead! Since the holiday season is upon us, it’s important to keep including healthy snacks in our diet amidst all those delicious sweets! Luckily, eating healthily doesn’t have to be difficult or super expensive as you can simply swap out some of your go-to snacks for healthy snack ideas.

So, here are a few healthy snack ideas that won’t break the bank – your mind and body will thank you for it too!

1. Bananas and peanut butter

Simple and healthy! Bananas are packed with healthy nutrients, such as potassium and fiber. Bananas require no meal prep, just grab one and go! Add peanut butter to your healthy snack for added protein as it’ll keep you satisfied for longer.

You can also try other fruits paired with peanut butter for a delicious healthy snack option, and apples and strawberries are our go-to! They’re high in fiber and vitamin C and will satisfy your sweet tooth when you’re craving a sweet snack. Quick, easy, and tasty.

2. Oatmeal

One of the best classic healthy snacks that never gets old. Oatmeal is a great little healthy snack idea as well as a nutritious breakfast meal. Not only is oatmeal inexpensive, it’s good for you too! This healthy snack is high in fiber and will keep you fuller for longer. Simply mix it with your favorite milk and put it in the microwave to prepare it quickly, and top it with your favorite fruit and granola. Voilà, the perfect healthy snack recipe!

If you’re running low on time, try overnight oats! Overnight oats are one of increasingly popular healthy snack ideas, and you can even mix in protein powder to add flavor and increase your protein intake. Just like warm oats, mix your ingredients together in a container, but this time keep them in the fridge overnight. Take them out the next day for a tasty ready-to-eat healthy snack recipe.

3. Bell peppers and cheese

This is one of the most awesome savory healthy snacks! Bell peppers are a fantastic vegetable high in vitamin C and fiber. Simply grab your favorite kind of bell pepper, slice it in half, then cover it with your favorite cheese (cream cheese is definitely our favorite!). Finish with seasoning and enjoy this savory healthy snack recipe that will keep you full, satisfied… and happy!

4. Healthy snack idea: Trail mix

Here’s one of the simplest healthy snack ideas. Instead of buying premixed trail mix, make your own! Pick out your favorite nuts and dried fruit, then mix together and enjoy the goodness! Trail mix is a perfect healthy snack for work or to bring on the go when you’re travelling. It’s quick, easy and will keep you full as far as snacks go.

5. Carrots and hummus

Are you a chips and dip lover? Then this healthy snack idea is for you! If you’re looking for a healthier and cheaper option than chips and dip, carrots and hummus is the perfect choice for a healthy snack. Carrots are packed with vitamins and fiber, while hummus is just delicious! So pick out your favorite hummus and pair with carrots to satisfy your urge to snack.

6. Healthy snack idea: Popcorn

Craving carbs? Try popcorn! Not only is popcorn inexpensive, but it’s much lower in calories than chips. It’s also super easy to make at home!

Buy your favorite popcorn kernels and place them in a paper lunch bag. Fold the top down and place in the microwave. And once you start hearing pops, your popcorn is being made! Top your popcorn with salt and olive oil for a healthy snack.

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