Your sun star can tell you a lot more than about your personality traits and about compatible roommates that you can live with. Delve a little deeper for finding a roommate match based on your zodiac sign.


Being a fire sign you may be drawn to other strong willed minds like a Leo or Sagittarius. But when it comes to finding a roommate match based on your zodiac sign, you’re going to need someone who can offset your stubbornness. An easy going Gemini will balance you out, making you compatible roommates, while an Aquarius will be able to deal with your impatience.


Many would be lucky to have a reliable roommate match based on your zodiac sign like you, Taurus. A Capricorn would make a great housemate as long as you don’t get too possessive.


You need someone not too uptight but still orderly. Ideally a roommate match based on your zodiac sign should keep up with both sides of your personality. Gemini is your best bet if you’re a party animal. If you like a stylish apartment and late night chats make a Libra your roommate.


A roommate match based on your zodiac sign would be someone who won’t pry into your everyday whereabouts. Finding a roommate who’s a Scorpio would work best for you since they will respect your space and enjoy your company.


The loyal lion will always make friends with their roommate, even accidentally. A roommate match based on your zodiac sign is as follows. A Sagittarius would love your energy and sociability, but a Libra would join you on any late night adventure.


You may be reserved at first but when you have a strong opinion you present it accordingly. A Capricorn would take the time to get to know you and your lifestyle, while a Taurus would quickly appreciate your creative a sensitive nature. Both signs make compatible roommates with you, Virgo.


You get along with everyone so finding a roommate match based on your zodiac sign is simple. Other air signs will best accept your laid back nature, like Aquarius and Gemini. But if you want a strong bond with your roommate pair up with the social Leo.


You’re a bit secretive and intense, Scorpio but that won’t phase a Pisces roommate. What other signs might consider passive aggressive, a Pisces will accept and appreciate. So Pisces is the right roommate batch based on your zodiac sign.


A Libra and you both share an open and talkative nature. But only an Aries can keep up with you and even join you on your excursions through the city.


As a roommate you may come off like a parent at times, even though you only have good intentions. A Virgo is often willing to listen to you. Even though they may not take your advice or direction they will make for compatible roommates.


Much like your fellow air sign Libra, you get along with everyone so it’s easy to choose a roommate match based on your zodiac sign. Lucky you! But if you really want compatible roommates you can also call friends, go for a Sagittarius. They’re non judgmental and will enjoy peeling back the layers to get to know the real you.


You are one of the most giving roommates. A Cancer would never take advantage of your thoughtful nature and would always seek you return the favor. You two make for compatible roommates.

The stars are aligned. Next time you find a potential roomie be sure to ask “what’s your sign?” But remember not to discriminate, the world is already a tough place to live in.

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