2020 has been a year of unexpected and disruptive disasters all around the globe. While many of these can be predictable, some pop out of nowhere, like the 2020 pandemic. Natural disaster preparation accounts for all of these situations; it helps you stay combat-ready for what may comeSeptember of every year is the National Disaster Preparedness Month. Therefore, here are some vital disaster preparation tips ranging from emergency alerts, first aid kits, and all that you should know to stay prepared.

Natural Disaster preparation 101: Know what to expect

Each crisis calls for different treatment, preparation, supplies, and essentials. Part of disaster preparation is identifying what disasters your town or city is prone to. Next, plan accordingly. Here’s a list of the most common disasters:

1.Storms & Hurricanes

Places close to water bodies need to keep their eyes out for this. The East & Gulf coasts are most prone to these disasters, especially between June and November.


No place can be labeled as disaster-free. Yes, not even landlocked regions. As tectonic plate movements are unpredictable, earthquakes can take place at any time of the year.


People living in low-lying land are at the most risk of this calamity. This includes places like Georgia, Massachusetts, North & South Carolina, etc.


After the heart-wrenching Californian wildfires, all states with huge forest land and little rains are areas of concern.


TX, OK, IA, KS, NE, and OH are on high alert from March to August.


They can happen in any region where the temperature drops below the freezing point.

two men pushing a vehicle in a flood during a natural disaster

Subscribe to emergency alerts

You can get emergency alerts to help with disaster preparation on your phone. The emergency alert system also broadcasts over both radio and TV. The NOAA weather radio intimates you if the weather is going to be severe. You can also get emergency alerts from free, reliable apps like FEMA and the Red Cross.

phone dialling emergency alerts services

Pack a disaster preparation kit

Some natural disasters require you to evacuate your home as early as possible. You don’t want to pack your essentials, like a first aid kit, right when you hear the sirens ring.

Here’s your natural disaster preparation checklist as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency:

  1. Food (non-perishable/canned) & water for at least three days
  2. Battery-powered flashlights & a radio
  3. Extra batteries
  4. A First Aid kit
  5. Whistle to signal for help
  6. Dust masks, trash bags & duct tape
  7. Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  8. Regional Map (hardcopy)
  9. Cell phone with chargers – inverter/solar charger
  10. Moist towelettes and any personal sanitation
  11. Money for gas and food
  12. A pair of comfortable walking shoes
natural disaster preparation and first aid kit

We’d recommend packing a similar go-bag of essentials for disaster preparation for your pet. To illustrate, here’s what you can add in their bag – food, water, bowls, a pet first aid kit, reflective collar & leash, a name tag/GPS tracker, pet wipes, and any of their other essentials like medicines.

Related:List Of Necessities To Keep At Home During COVID 2020

Disaster preparation for your home and your homies

Before leaving home, there are a few things to check. Make sure to disconnect all electrical appliances such as the air conditioner, microwave, lamps, etc.


Store all your emergency goods properly. In case of a flood alert, store all of your dry food items in a water-resistant box and on high shelves where water can’t reach. When there is a flood warning, you can store goods like milk, fresh meat, and poultry in the freezer to increase shelf life.


Always have extra of the essentials stacked at home. These include medicines, personal sanitation, food, and water.


Plan and practice your evacuation routes with all your house members. It will ensure you all are well-versed with the course when disaster strikes.

4.Standard Medical Procedures

Simultaneously, now may be a good time to get acquainted with different medical procedures. For example, basic first aid, CPR, reviving someone who drowned, Heimlich maneuver, how to move an injured person and how to stop bleeding.

Read more about planning here and stay one step ahead of calamities.

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