When you’re living with a roommate who’s a stranger, it can be awkward. Even if the person you’re moving in with is a close friend of yours, you don’t really know that friend until you live with them every day. That’s just the way life works. You’re all basically starting from scratch when it comes to coliving. We’re here to make this process easier for you and your roomie. Here are few roommate bonding activities to do with your roommate to make cohabiting a beautiful experience.

Living with a roommate = Shopping grocery together!

Grocery shopping with your roommate is especially helpful if you’reliving in an apartment togetherfor the first time. Not only will this help the roommate bonding process, but you’ll also be able to establish their food habits. You can plan and coordinate meals depending on both your conveniences. Perhaps you even make it a weekly ritual to go to the store together on Sundays and alternate who drives. Really, any outing that you take together will strengthen your roomie relationship.

Date Night Helper

Living with a roommate means being an assistant to their big dates. Offer to play wingman and help them get ready for their romantic evening. This will make your roommate bonding process quicker as they now can rely on you for everything! Which includes being that “emergency phone call” if the date is a loss and your roomie needs you to bail them out.

Related:Rules To Set In Apartments For Rent With Roommates

Use social media timeline for roommate bonding

Facebook and Instagram pictures help explain where you come from, what your interests are and how you came to be the person you are today. Using pictures allows you to gather a greater sense of the other person as you imagine each other’s life experiences. For example, showing each other pictures of family members, best friends and what activities you were in. Since each photo has a back story, it would give you something to share and talk about.

Sharing information about yourselves is a great way togrow closerin the roommate bonding process naturally. Plus, while living with a roommate, it’s common that they have people visiting, and now you’ll already know who they are!

Decorate your room when living with a roommate

You and your roommate might have some ideas about how the aesthetics of your room or common areas of the apartment should look like. Go to TargetIKEA, or a local thrift store and find one statement piece for your home that you both fall in love with.

This can be a great way to strengthen roommate bonding and discover more about them through their design choices. Living with a roommate is almost like a live in relationship as both require compromises. So have patience and an open mind to their thoughts and interests. This will not only will your place look homier, but you’ll learn more about your roommate in the process.

Related:How To Survive Your First ‘Living With Roommates’ Experience?

Lunch dates, Game nights & Binging TV series would strengthen roommate bonding

While living with a roommate, make sure you have weekly plans with them. Fix a day in the week for roommate bonding activities such as coffee/lunch dates, game nights and even watching movies! If you’re binge watching TV series don’t forget to make some old-school stove-top popcorn! It’s much healthier, cheap, and can turn any casual hangout into an authentic movie night.

Now, roommate bonding doesn’t seem so awkward, does it? Do some of these activities and even before you know it, you’ll be closer than ever! Soon enough, while on your way back home you’d be thinking, “Oh god, I really need a pizza”. And then, lo and behold, you arrive home to see that your roommate already has ordered it! This right here is the final stage of roommate bonding, and it’s just a thing that spontaneously happens. With this you’ll have achieved true roommate nirvana.

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers with roommate bonding activities to do while living with a roommate? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match!Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!