For most of us, personal finance is so stressful that we put off trying to get them in order, the problem might just go away. But the internet comes with a plethora of free resources, especially in the form of personal finance blogs. Thus you can easily take your head out of the sand and look your personal finances directly in the eye and manage them like the boss that you are!

Here are some of the best personal finance blogs that make the once boring financial planning lively and fun, so you can finally understand how to get your dollars in order.

woman sitting with her personal finances in front of her implying tips to manage her finances that she found on a personal finance blog

1. Two Cents by Lifehacker

When you need finance management hacks, you need to visit Lifehacker’s personal finance blog –Two Cents

Our favorite article –How Much You Should Have in Your 401(k), Based on Your Age?gives a much-needed breakdown of how much retirement money you should have at thisstage in your life.

When it comes to your 401k, it’s never too late to start saving—but how much should you save? As total savings skews higher as you get older, a look at average savings levels by age can give you a benchmark for your progress and help you adjust your contributions to stay on track.

An excerpt from the blog

2. Moneycrashers

With personal finance blogMoney Crashers, you can crash managing finances, not your head.

With great tips to manage finances – from making and saving money to investing, borrowing, and protecting money, this blog has it all.

Our favorite article has to be10 Bad Financial Habits You Need to Break to Get Out of Debtbecause we’ve all had to come face to face with the debt monster, at one point in our lives.

You don’t have to like your debt, but you do have to acknowledge it. Get in the habit of opening your mail when you feel calm and ready. The more you know about your debt, the better prepared you can be to face it.

An excerpt from the blog

3. Wisebread

Wisebreadis a personal finance blog that is just a click away when you’re hungry for financial wisdom!

Our favorite article –How to Make Better Financial Decisionsincludes a research survey conducted on people under the age of 45 and the decisions they made to set goals for their finances, to give real advice to online readers to help them manage their finances.

Results indicated that many respondents were sequencing financial priorities, instead of funding them simultaneously, and delaying homeownership and retirement savings. Three-word phrases like “once I have…,”, “after I [action],” and “as soon as…,” were noted frequently, indicating a hesitancy to fund certain financial goals until achieving others.

An excerpt from the blog

4. Money Under 30

When you’re under 30, and money seems funny, you should head on to the personal finance blogMoney Under 30

Our favorite article isHow To Put Your Money On Autopilot, because we all wish we didn’t have to think about money.

If I’ve learned one new thing in six years of blogging about money, it’s this: The most important factor in financial success is not having a budget, meticulously avoiding debt, or choosing the right investments. It is having a system that makes the right financial moves for you. Automatically.

An excerpt from the blog

5. The Financial Diet

Shopaholics unite and stop draining your money with the personal finance blogThe Financial Diet

Our favorite article –I Quit Shopping For A Whole Year — Here’s How It Changed My Life, (which we came across while shopping online, of course).

Had I applied my no-buy challenge a couple of years ago, I would have paid off my Master’s student debt two by 2016, and I would have accrued a six-month emergency fund by the beginning of 2018.

An excerpt from the blog

6. Budgets Are Sexy

For those who think managing finances is boring, this personal finance blog saysBudgets Are Sexy.

Our favorite article here isI’ve made $32,000 pet sitting so far this year, because we’d love to make money while hanging out with pets!

Hi guys, I’m a professional pet sitter. Specifically, I drive to my clients’ homes and take care of their cats, dogs, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. My coolest pet client has been an 11 ½ foot long lavender reticulated python named Sephoria, but my normal clients are dogs and cats.

An excerpt from the blog

7. Get Rich Slowly

This personal finance blog is for each one of us that need to stop dreaming of hitting jackpot the moment we get out of bed – it’s time to switch your view andGet Rich Slowlyinstead!

Our favorite article isStart where you are, because long term plans can only materialize if we start work right now.

When I say “start where you are”, I mean that you should accept that who you are and what you have today is, essentially, your starting hand. Don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes. Don’t blame others for getting you into this situation. These are the cards you’ve been dealt (even if you’ve dealt them to yourself), and it’s now up to you to play them as best you can.

An excerpt from the blog

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