Are you feeling stuck on how to meet people in a new city? Tired of eating all alone in that new spot you just discovered?  We get it, which is why we want to show you how to make friends in a new city. While a new move can be exciting, no one prepares you for the loneliness that comes with it. Whether your move was prompted by college, a new job, or an intrinsic desire to explore the world, mastering how to make friends in a new city will make a huge difference.

Making New Friends in a New City Calls for Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone.

Few things are as uncomfortable as meeting new faces, withstanding awkward stares, or communicating in a language you’ve only been using for two months. But, if you’re genuinely interested in kindling friendships or developing strong business networks, comfort is not an option.

Many of the tips we’ll share involve creating time for activities that may be new to you. From social gatherings, online networks, and community-centered activities, we bet you’ll find something that works for you.

9 Tips for Making New Friends In a New City

1. Don’t Sleep on Apps and Social Media

Not sure how to meet people in a new city as an introvert? Social media can come through for you. Facebook, for instance, has a ton of groups that could connect you to your next best friend. By selecting groups on the search bar at the top of your homepage, you’ll discover local groups in the city you’re in. To narrow it down further, you could type in something like “Tech ex-pats in Tokyo” or whichever place you’re in. Once accepted, a brief introduction stating your name, age, and interests will help point like-minded people in your direction.

2. Find a Roommate on Roomi

Getting someone to share an apartment with has to be the most effortless way of acquiring a friend. Besides, who wouldn’t want to split living costs before finding their footing in a new city? Whether you prefer moving in with a local or ex-pat, all it takes is a simple location search onRoomi!

3. Get a Hobby

If you haven’t figured one out yet, we highly recommend that you do. And don’t just choose any hobby, but find one that will force you to step out and interact with real people. Hobbies are crucial because besides being powerful conversation starters, they also create avenues for meeting people in a new city who share similar interests as you. Plus, you’ll be having fun as you interact. Some ideas to get you started include:

  • Find a dance class
  • Join a sports league
  • Be part of a book club.

4. Take Up a Fitness Class

working out in gym class

It’s easy to feel anxious or intimidated at the gym, but, it gets better. Actually, signing up for a gym membership (and actually showing up) is a sure bet for making new friends. Besides keeping you fit and refreshed, it can also keep you connected. So don’t shy away from talking to the girl who’s always in the gym at the same time as you or engaging the gym staff who’s genuinely interested in a conversation. Also, make sure you leave your headphones at home, wear a smile, and refrain from talking to people in the middle of a workout.

5. Hit the Road

Not a gym rat? No worries, the gym isn’t the only place to break a sweat and connect with people. Running in a local race can still get the job done. These tend to be fun, communal, and packed. Hence, they are perfect for anyone who’s looking for ways to meet people in a new city. And no, you don’t need to be a professional runner to sign up on an app like Nike run club. In fact, you can even turn up just to cheer. You never know who might be cheering beside you!

6. Volunteer For a Community Project

Nothing brings people together like the desire to give back. So if you have nothing to do this weekend, find a volunteer program that aligns with your interests and boosts your chances of making friends. You could volunteer at an animal shelter, feeding program, children’s rights center, or climate change advocacy. Some websites that can make it easier include:

7. Tap into Your Work and School Networks

Is Becky from finance inviting you out for a drink after work? Does Denver from psychology want you to join his family for Christmas eve? Say yes! When it comes to facilitating friendships, nothing is as underrated as tapping into our daily social networks. So ask your co-workers and classmates to hang out. Then have them introduce you to people they think you’ll like.

8. Get a Dog

two people walking two dogs

Sorry cat lovers, but we have to give this one to the doggos. In addition to providing great company, dogs also offer a chance for meeting people in a new city. An instant conversation starter, your fluffy buddy will give you and another dog-walking stranger stuff to talk about. Don’t own a dog yet? Borrow a neighbor’s or a friend’s dog and take them with you for walks.

9. Find an Expat Club Near You

While it might not feel like it, you’re not the only newbie in that city. If it’s a bustling city, there’s a high chance that it attracts a significant number of ex-pats and foreign students. Find them. Since they’ve walked down a similar path, they’re best placed to offer advice on how to meet people in a new city. A quick online search will help you find ex-pat groups near you.

Made up Your Mind Already?

We understand the hassle of making new friends when you’re the new person. This is why we don’t want you to go through it. TheRoomi Apphelps you find rooms to rent in your next city and a potential roommate of your dreams. You also get to apply filters that enable you to narrow down on house rules, the number of rooms, and listing type.