Staying indoors for long periods of time can be awfully stressful. Especially in today’s age where we’re all used to our fast-paced life of oversaturation. The lockdowns imposed across the world forced us all to find new things to do with our time. And some of the questions we found ourselves pondering over were:
What do we do with our time in self-isolation? How can we take this time to nurture the best versions of ourselves? And how can we hack self-development through creativity?

It’s important to stay informed about thecoronavirus pandemic in New York. But it’s also important to stay sane and find new ways to entertain yourself while you’re in self-isolation. At Roomi, we’re trying to remain positive about the slightly crazy, confusing times we’re living in. Some of us have also taken this time to achieve those levels of self-development that we always desired.

We’re also taking this as an opportunity to hang out with our flatmates. Reconnect with our inner creative, and finding new things to watch from across the world!

If you can feel boredom knocking on your (closed) apartment door, here are some of the ways to spend your self-isolation in creativity and work towards some self-development.

Self-development and upskilling while you self-isolate

woman in self-isolation at home and picks up a new creative skill that she plans on using to her advantage. she is sitting with her mug of coffee and is drawing with a stylus on to a screen.

With jobs being cut and hours being reduced across the state, many New Yorkers are left twiddling their thumbs at home. This is a perfect time to take that online training course you’ve been thinking about for months. Whether just for self-development or to earn a certificate that looks good on your LinkedIn profile,take advantage of all this spare time to work on your professional portfolio.

Right now, some major organizations are offering free or cheaper courses to help keep us motivated during the pandemic. This is also a highly productive way of spending your time while you’re self-isolating.

Finding creative ways to go green!

a man in a bun, green t-shirt and jeans is trying to repot a plant in his living room, as he self isolates at home.

Staying indoors means fewer visits to the grocery store. It’s also true that many of us are starting to appreciate the value of a sustainable lifestyle. Use this opportunity to start a veggie patch or herb garden! These additions don’t just add color and flavor to your dishes, they actually save money in the long-run.

You’ll find plenty of advice online, so even if you’re limited to the tight space of a balcony, there are plants, herbs, and vegetables you can successfully grow.

Express your creativity through writing, reading, or painting!

woman takes up painting in self-isolation at home to express her self creatively and find something productive to do with her time

Feeling like you’ve spent too much time in front of your laptop, TV, or scrolling through your phone? It’s easy to switch off and let ourselves be distracted by devices, but you probably need a break from the news and media.

Breathe a new lease of life into your self-isolation routine by going back to the creative activities you used to love as a kid. Whether it’s writing poetry or literature, creating masterpieces on canvas, or getting lost in a book, grab some paper and your favorite tool and start exploring your creative side. Researchers say that practicingart can contribute to an “upward spiral” of positive emotionsand help psychological well-being – something we could all use right now.

Learning a language is your one-way ticket to self-development!

woman in yellow hoodie is sitting in her home in self-isolation and learns a new language as a part of her self development journey

Want to order pasta in Italian or learn the language of love? This is your chance! Learning a new language not only helps you navigate the world more easily (and impress your friends.) But it also makes you more employable. If there’s one thing we’ve learned during the pandemic, is that emotions and feelings transcend language. So why not pick up a new language as a hobby, too?

Keep moving, even when you’re in self-isolation.

woman in all black is sitting on a yoga mat practicing yoga through a class at home in self-isolation

The gym might be a no-go zone, but it’s important to get your daily exercise. You’re allowed toexercise outdoors in New York, as long as you maintain a six-foot distance from other people. So there’s no need to deny yourself the simple pleasure of jogging or walking.

If you prefer to stay indoors, launch YouTube to find some home workouts or yoga routines. And if you’re short on exercise equipment, use your creativity to improvise and turn cans of food into weights! Keep moving by vacuuming and gardening too – do whatever it takes to keep your muscles healthy and blood pumping. 

Learning an instrument is yet another effective tool for self-development.

a man sits in his home in self-isolation. he is learning a new instrument as a part of his self-development journey.

It doesn’t matter you’ve never picked up an instrument in your life. Or your electronic keyboard has been gathering dust for years. Inject some music back into your day-to-day lifestyle and learn to play an instrument. Learning to play a musical instrument is a fantastic stress-reliever and could even improve your memory.

Living with roomis? Give them a heads up about your musical instrument endeavors! And be sure to keep the noise down after 10 p.m., or earlier if they ask.

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers find new ways to access their creativity? Especially as they self-isolate and achieve the self-development they’ve always desired? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match!Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!