Whether you’re already in a long-distance relationship and currently dating someone or single and swiping away on dating apps, having to self isolate thanks to the pandemic has been especially tricky for our love lives. While still respecting the safe at home order, it is only natural to feel a little antsy to not to be able to go out and see people. Well, this is where one has to start thinking of virtual date ideas.

We are sure the bars and the parks miss you, but just because you can’t go out on outdoor dates and see each other in person, doesn’t mean you can’t build relationships from the comfort of your house.

This could also be the perfect time to not only get to know someone on a deeper level but also introspect and further invest in your existing relationships.

Here’s a quick list of some fun activities you can do with someone when you’re not physically in the same space. A lot of these things could also be done with your friends and family; they don’t have to be specific to romantic or sexual partners.

1. Virtual date ideas for gamers!

There are so many different kinds of games out there, both competitive and cooperative. Be it easy breezy and accessible fun mobile games or serious sit-down PC / console gaming, the possibilities are endless!

A lot of games that you play online together don’t involve speaking to each other, so a video call is a good way to carry on communicating whilst you’re playing the game.

Make it more fun by adding your own twists to it, such as the person who wins a game gets to ask the other person a challenging question or give them a dare.

2. Virtual date ideas for your inner nerd!

Make a book club! Read a book together and then organize a time to have a video call to discuss the said book. Consuming the same things together and discussing them is a great way to connect with your partner. Reading to each other is also a great virtual date because it can inspire thoughtful conversations.

You can experiment with a book, an article, or even a podcast episode! Taking an online personality test or relationship quizzes together is not only entertaining, but the results could be very amusing too!

3. Netflix and….party?

Netflix Party(or Teleparty) is a chrome extension that allows you to watch content simultaneously while texting on the little chat box that appears.

And it is always a good idea to either have an audio or a video call or even plain texting to make sure its a conjoint experience.

Related:Best Netflix Shows & Series To Watch In 2020

4. Groovy virtual date ideas!

This one’s for all the music lovers out there – Create a joint playlist!

You can create private playlists that you both have access to, can add songs to, and listen to at the same time.

5. Get back to the classics

Cooking and eating dinner together over video calls and the quintessential dinner dates never gets old. To spice things up, you can also decide to buy the same ingredients and plan what you’re going to cook. You could also get adventurous and order a surprise meal for each other.

Warning:Not for picky eaters.

Try theseEasy Cocktail Recipes That Everybody Can Make At Home

6. Sing your sorrows away…

Karaoke night is our favorite! Get some tunes up on YouTube, put your video call on, have a few drinks, and burst into song! Also, a good day to put on your favorite concert outfit and dance your heart out.

7. Pop open a bottle!

Wine nights are a must if you’re going to try out one of these virtual date ideas. Sorry, we did not make the rules. Hop onto Zoom or FaceTime and pour a glass of wine and talk about anything and everything. Don’t be afraid to get a little tipsy for a little wine helps to loosen up the conversation like nothing else can.

Last but definitely not least, make sure to treat it like a real date! Just because you’re alone in your room doesn’t make it any less of a date. Dress up in something that makes you feel confident and don’t forget to have fun y’all!

(If nothing else you’ll have some very interesting stories to tell your grandchildren!)

Related:10 Fun Things To Do At Home During The COVID Quarantine

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