Are you in your 20’s looking for career advice books? Here are a few books for success that are a must-read for every twenty-something!

There’s no denying that your 20’s is the best and the most difficult for a variety of reasons. It’s a phase full of transitions, changes, and new beginnings. Still, there’s no need to have your life figured out by the time you’re 22! Since your 20’s is a time of experimentation, here are a few books for success that will help you begin a career effectively!

A shelf full of books

After graduating from college,it’s completely normal to feel unsure of what you want to do next. Some have their minds fixed on what to pursue, while others feel deeply lost than when they started. That’s where career advice books come into action!

The Defining Decadeby Meg Jay (one of the best books for success)

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The Defining Decadeis amust-read for everyonein their 20’s, regardless of what you are currently pursuing. This career book emphasizes that your twenties do matter. Despite popular belief, your twenties are a time of experimentation. However, it’s necessary to have a plan and buildjob and career experiences,so you do not find yourself lost in your 30’s.

Moreover, Dr. Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist. She uses personal stories, science, and anecdotes to argue that our identity changes the most in our twenties, compared to any other point in our lifetime. Thus, this type of career books for success will change your mind on how to navigate your 20’s and tackle your job search!

The Good Girl’s Guide to GettingLost(an endorsed career advice book)

a woman reading a career advice book

Here’s another career advice book to put on your reading list, by Rachel Freidman!The Good Girls Guide to Getting Lostis a memoir about Friedman’s post-college experience. One of the inspirational books for success to read, if you are unsure of what you want to do after college.

Friedman challenges the post-college expectations which include immediate a job after graduation, getting married, and raising kids. Furthermore, Friedmantells the story of her post-college experiencein her book for success. That is, her adventure of a lifetime after booking a one-way ticket to Ireland.

For those who do not want a conventional experience after graduation, this career book is a must-read for success. Indeed, Friedman’s memoir proves that you do not have to follow the traditional path to be satisfied with your life!

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girl reading online career books

101 Secrets for Your Twentiesby Paul Agone

Are you looking for a career advice book that is both humorous and informational? Then,101 Secrets for Your Twentiesis just the book for you! Agoneexplores the ups and downsthat we experience during our 20’s, from finding a job to navigating relationships.

Finally, this career book gives the reader tips and tricks for navigating this transitional stage in life. Agone is successful in giving the reader relevant advice and making individuals in their 20’s feel less overwhelmed and alone.

Mindsetby Carol Dweck (for motivational career advice)

Mindsetby Stanford University Psychologist Carol Dweck explores the psychology of success. He elaborates on how to make the most of your life before your 30’s. Thiscareer-orientedadvice book will change your view on the job search process.

Books for success recommend this strategy:You can truly do anything you put your mind to!

a boy reading a career advice book

Dweck argues in his book that thegrowth mindset is the keyto success in one’s career and life. Moreover, Dweck analyses commitment’s impacts on people’s lives who are in various careers. This book is for success and a must-read for any recent graduate looking to enter the workforce!

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