How drained or empowered do you feel after social interactions? How do you behave in the presence of people? There might have been times when you labeled yourself as either an introvert or an extrovert. While we all are a yin-yang of both, when it comes to deciding between living alone vs. living with a roommate, these self-observations might play a vital role.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting to live on your own, or looking for a change. Both living alone and living with a roommate has lots to offer, depending on what you’re looking for.

If you’re almost convinced thatliving with a roommate will make you happier, let this guide reassure you. But if you’re still struggling to come to a decision, allow these factors to weigh in.

Living with a roommate means you get to split the major bills.

Expenses are acompelling factorin deciding whether you can afford to live alone or need to bunk with roommates. This is irrespective of what you prefer. If you’re at a point in life where you need to save as much as you can, then you probably should be living with a roommate.

Similarly, if you don’t mind paying extra to keep your privacy intact, living alone is for you.

Does living alone sound like “home” to you?

woman living alone is sitting on the ground and playing solitaire on her laptop

Generally speaking, introverts might get drained by too much social interaction. They might find their comfort in staying home and rejuvenating in complete isolation before they’re ready to step out again. If that rings familiar to you, the weighing scale might be heavy on living alone.

On the other hand, if you’re the kind of person who hates being alone. Or if you get bored easily. OR find yourself resorting to calling your friends and family every other hour to come over. You might the kind to have the best time living with a roommate.

Living alone is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea.

woman sipping on a cup of tea, looking out side a window while she's living alone in a cabin

Are you’re the kind of person who shies away from confrontation or would rather do everything yourself instead of holding another person accountable? Living with a roommate will most probably end up being unhealthy and stressful for you. However, you still should learn some healthy ways to confront people – with or without a roommate.

If you’re already that person who can deal with people and be straightforward about the bills, doing the chores, house rules, etc., you should be quite comfortable living with a roommate.

Living with a roommate is easy, but not simple.

women living together with roommates are figuring out their bills

When it comes to the comfort zone, you shouldn’t have to step out of it in your own home.

While some people can be at their comfortable best around all types of people, there remain some of us who have to create a different persona for every different interaction.

If you count yourself among the latter, you might be wise in deciding to live alone, as it can be very exhausting to wear a mask, even at home (as we all know now). And if you are among the former and can be yourself with everyone, kudos to you! You know that living with roommates will come rather easily to you.

Living with a roommate interferes with the freedom of solitude.

It’s rightly believed that solitude breeds creativity. If you live alone, there are no distractions. You can meet people in your own time. And you can instantly start working on an idea that strikes without taking heed of someone else in the apartment.

But if you’re someone with a preference to learn from people and collaborate instead of being on your own, the roommate life awaits you!

Sharing your space, food and life are the starting points of living with a roommate.

women living together as roommates are sitting on a kitchen counter having beer and pizza

Remember hating your sibling for snatching the TV remote and watching shows that you didn’t like, and their loud music that you simply detested? Well, having a roommate could be a similar, more civil version of having to share everything. And shouting ‘MOM’ will not do anything other than making your roommate think you’re crazy.

But then again, some of us might have missed out on this relationship and wouldn’t mind finding out what all the fuss is about.

Living alone isn’t for you if you get scared easily.

This one’s pretty obvious isn’t it?

But if you are afraid and still want to live alone, make it an opportunity to look your fears in the eyes. In the end, it’s really about experiences.

If you’re ready to be independent and live all alone, embrace the self-improvement journey you can now embark on.

If on the other hand, you can’t afford to live alone, embrace the experiences and the joys of having a buddy to navigate life with under the same roof.

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers differ between the charms of living alone vs. with a roommate? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match!Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!