We all strive to be the best roommate we can be, right? If you’re anything like us, you’ve come across your fair share ofcrazy roommatesand people with zero co-living protocol that just can’t seem to grasp the idea of a shared bathroom. (Clean up after yourselves, guys!) 

While there’s no Roommate Handbook (as far we know), there are some roommate etiquette guidelines (within reasonable limits) that everyone should live by. If you don’t already know some of these, then – we hate to break it to ya – you may not be the best roommate. But don’t fear. Roomi is here to guide you on the path to a peaceful shared living space!

Related:What To Do If My Roommate is Sick

We hope this will help to prevent any futurefights with your roommates!

Don’t expect the “cleaning fairies” to clean up after you

Key roommate protocol: clean your own messandregularly clean communal spaces! Never leave your own dirty dishes, clothes on the floor, or food packages strewn about the place – they won’t tidy up on their own, and your roommate doesn’t want to clean up after you, either.

On the same note, don’t neglect the communal spaces that naturally gather dust and dirt over time. Never adopt the mindset of “it’s not my mess so it’s not my problem,” because everyone’s responsible for grime on the floor and smudges on the bathroom mirror.Consider creating a chores scheduleif you and your roomis are struggling to split this naturally.

Neighborly etiquettes: Keep the noise down

Look up the specified “Quiet Hours” in your own state. New York, for example, enforces quiet hours in all neighborhoods from 10pm until 7am. (So much for the city that never sleeps!) Monitor the volume of your TV, your conversations with friends, and the clatter you’re making in the kitchen when whipping up grilled cheese at midnight.

Similarly, find out what type of music your roommates listen to. If it’s different from yours, you might want to avoid playing it too loudly – even in the daytime. Your Katy Perry album might just make your Slipknot-loving roomi’s ears bleed.

Click here to learnwaysto feel a new roommate feel welcome!

Always pay your rent and bills on time

This one is more a roommate ethic than a roommate etiquette. One of the main concerns with living with a stranger is a financial one. If this is the first time you’re living outside of your parents’ home, you’ll have to get used to paying bills and rent on time every single month. We know – it sounds likea lot!

There are some ways you can help yourself stay on top of things:

  • Make a list of your bills and rent due dates
  • Set reminders; even just using the calendar on your phone can work
  • Set up automated payments wherever possible

Maintaining a good record is good for your credit score, so staying on top of rent and bills does more than just keep the peace at home.

Set roommate expectations early on

It’s important tohave transparent, clear conversations with your roomisabout etiquette at the beginning of your tenancy agreement. Talk about which stuff is okay to share and which stuff is off-limits. For example, you might be happy for them to use your milk when they run out, but you don’t want them touching your expensive shampoo.

This avoids any awkward chats further on down the line, and stops you from getting annoyed when your toiletries go missing.

Don’t overdo it on the guests

Most roommates and housemates are happy for you to bring over your friends or significant other from time to time. When this happens a littletooregularly, though, they can start to resent it. Having to share the shower and the sofa with non-roommates all the time becomes draining.

Again, talk about roommate etiquette before you move in. Find out what the expectations are around guests and come to an agreement you’re all happy with.

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers figure out roommate etiquette and protocols? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match! Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!