It’s been many long months without much human contact for all of us You’ve beencooped up indoors by yourselfdue to COVID-19, and there seems to be no end to this madness. It’s okay if you no longer remember the motivation you had at the beginning of the pandemic. What we could all do with is some festive cheer! And yes, even today, you could host a party during the pandemic. Want to know how? Here’s your guide to social gatherings for those times when none of us can get out of our homes.

If it was any other time of the year, we would be asking you to stay away from hosting social gatherings. But it isthe festive season, and we all need some time out before we start a new year.

We absolutely don’t condone breaking lockdown rules if your city is under strict rules. You should be only hosting social gatherings under permissible considerations.

If youmustthrow a party during a pandemic, here are some dos and don’ts you (and your guests) should strictly follow.

Bear in mind that these are awkward times, and everyone understands if you aren’t exactly the most elegant host. The party is no longer about being pretty – it’s about showing you care about keeping your guests safe.

Talk to guests before sending out invites to your party

This step is now just as important asplanninga party during the pandemic. While you can assure your invited guests that you’re going to be as cautious as possible, be understanding if they decline your invitation. If they’re excited to attend, give them a briefing of your pandemic-time party rules and (politely) tell them there will be no exceptions.

Related: Virtual Christmas Party Ideas For 2020

Size matters, especially when hosting a social gathering indoors.

Watch the number of people you invite. Call only those that will fit into your space comfortably while following social distancing and consider who has been following the pandemic rules; you don’t want guests who have been traveling, visiting restaurants, and attending lots of social gatherings lately.

Is it possible to do host a party during the pandemic if its outdoors?

Hosting the party in a garden or on the roof is the best option right now. This is to ensure everyone can maintain a distance out in the open air. So opt for an outdoor setting wherever possible – a barbecue party during a pandemic sounds like a great idea.

If it’s going to be indoors, however, arrange your furniture to follow proper distancing, cordon off rooms you don’t want the guests entering, and keep your windows open for some air circulation.

Related: 5 Holiday Decorating Hacks for Your Small Apartment

Sanitize your things, whenever possible.

Clean your interiors and sanitize every bitof your house that guests may come into contact with. This includes doors, furniture, the bathroom, curtains, kitchen utensils, etc.

Masks and other essentials should be a must!

We don’t even need to mention this bit, but here’s a reminder. The first on your list of party rules is that everyone must have their mask on whenever possible. As the host, keep a few masks to give away, just in case. Other essentials include placing hand sanitizers, paper towels, and closed-lid bins in every room. Have soap, paper towels, and bins at every sink, too, to make your party during a pandemic a safe one.

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And as for the food,

Are you going to prepare the food yourself or order in? Avoid potluck, as that would increase the very risk you’re trying to avoid. Also, avoid putting all food and drinks in one spot where everyone would have to congregate. The best idea is for you to serve the food yourself, maybe with a couple of dedicated helpers.

Sanitize your hands, wear gloves, and finish the serving in one go if possible. Use disposable paper plates, paper cups, and wooden cutlery if it makes you uncomfortable to do the dishes later. For the rest of the party, serve everyone their own plates of finger-food and dips.

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BYOB or nothing!

If you’re planning to have drinks at your get-together, the party rule is everyone gets their own drinks. Keep disposable cups in reach for guests to help themselves. Do keep in mind, however, that drinking increases the number of bathroom trips, which brings us to our final point…

Bathroom rules and requirements for your party during the pandemic.

Hide away your bar soaps and cloth towels for the day; place a soap dispenser, (plenty of) paper towels, and a closed-lid bin in the bathroom. Hang a reminder on the bathroom door that everyone must use towels while opening and closing the door. And hope for the best bathroom etiquette by all!

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Loneliness and anxiety can take a hike, even if only for a while. You deserve at least one party during a pandemic (albeit with strict party rules!)

Don’t stress, have fun! 🙂 The pleasant party-hangover should last you a few days at least.

Talking of loneliness and pandemics – if you’re thinking of finding a roommate, you’ll find this helpful:How to Find a Roommate: The Complete Guide

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers figure out the best way to host a social gathering or a party during a pandemic? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match!Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!