Guest Post about renters insurance in NYC byAlex Portera 

Firemen putting out the fire of a building in East Village, NYC, where the author's friend was staying without renters insurance

This is the image of a fire in the East Village of NYC three years ago.

The building was home to the famous french fry shop, Pommes Frites, the sushi restaurant Sushi Park.And, unfortunately, my friend Sean’s apartment (his name has been changed to protect his privacy).

Youread about things like these in the newsbut never expect would happen to you, until it does. Fortunately, Sean wasn’t home when the fire was blazing. Unfortunately, all of his stuff was. The fire consumed his clothes, computers, cameras, his bikeandhe had no renters insurance living in NYC. He heard about the fire through Twitter before ever seeing it for himself.

My friend Sean didn’t even know about renters insurance.

AndSean wasn’t prepared for this situation,like most New Yorkers aren’t. When writing this article, I asked him if he had renter’s insurance in NYC. “I didn’t even know renters insurance in NYC existed at the time.” In the perfect world, Sean would be an outlier. But the truth is, Sean is in the majority. Most young New Yorker’s don’t know about renters insurance in NYC, or if they do know about it, don’t have it.

And that’s a big problem because a fire, burglary, flood or any other devastating event can happen at any moment, to anyone. You never expect them. You never think they can happen to you. They’re always the types of events you look back on after they happen and say, “I never thought it could happen to me.”

The good news is, Sean learned his lesson.

And I say that’s good news because (and I’m not lying here) the next apartment he moved into burned down, too.

I’m not going to share an image of that fire, but this seemingly impossible scenario actually happened. He left his first apartment because it burned down, only to move to another apartment that burned down. Absolutely insane and unpredictable.However,the second time he had renters insurance in NYC which covered his losses.

A lot of people are people are living like old Sean, blissfully unaware of how important renter’s insurance in NYC is until it’s too late. Butit’s a goodopportunitynowto get ahead of the game and avoid being one of those people who say, “I never thought this could happen to me.”

It seems extreme, but that’s exactly how Sean felt after uber-ing to his apartment when he got notified of the first fire, unable to get with 1,000 feet because the fire department had closed down the lock.

Don’t Be a Sean. Get Renters Insurance

Roomiis an appthatmakes renting as safe and easy as possible. To further that mission, they’ve teamed up with Lemonade, a tech-driven insurance company powered by artificial intelligence and behavioral economics. Lemonade offers instant, hassle-free renters insurance in NYC that protects your stuff from things like fire damage, flood damage, and burglary.

Getting a Lemonade policy to protect your stuff takes 90 seconds – there’s no brokers, paperwork or hassle! It’s ridiculously easy.

Please get renters insurance in NYC. Now. Go ahead. Your stuff will thank you.

To learn more about how Lemonade works, you can visit theirFAQ.

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