If you’re moving to NYC to study at your dream college, you’re in for a ride! Studying in a cultural, economic, financial, and technological hub like NYC means you have a ton of opportunities ahead of you. However, New York can be a bit overwhelming at first, so luckily, we’re here with some advice to help get you through. Here are 10 tips that will help you navigate student life and living in the Big Apple!

1. Budget

calculator, papers on table, budgeting, survival tips in NYC

If you are moving to NYC, one of the first things you will need to do is make a monthly budget and make sure you stick to it. Living in NYC means you’re in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and it can be easy to find yourself short of cash. Keeping track of your spending and allocating money to your various needs will help you not to break the bank.

2. Find the right place to stay

find the right place to stay, surviving in NYC

How much you enjoy your student life in NYC will depend greatly on where you live in the city. Make sure you choose the right neighborhood and consider your all options before committing to an apartment. Living close to your university or near a subway stop is always a smart option. Make sure that you have everything you need, like grocery stores, gyms, laundromats, within walking distance.

3. Find a roommate

apartment room, survival in NYC

One of the most important tips for college students is to find yourself a roommate that you get along with. Sharing a space with a roommate will give you a great friend and companion, which is especially important if you are moving to NYC for the first time. Rent can be expensive, too, and splitting it with a roommate can help you save or find a better place to stay.

4. Get out and explore

go out, street view, surviving in NYC

Student life in NYC isn’t just about classes and studying! After all, you are living in NYC, one of the most exciting cities in the world. Make sure you spend your days off/free time exploring the city, seeing sights, and trying new things. There is just so much to see and do, and you deserve some fun as well!

5. Get a job!

man with a bag, get a job, surviving as student in NYC

On the subject of having fun and exploring, you might find it hard to make ends meet if you are living in NYC as a student. One of the most important tips for college students is to get a job, which will furnish you with some pocket money. You can take up a part-time or weekend gig at a place nearby, so you have some money spare to spend on entertainment.

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6. Work on your resume

work on a resume, surviving as a student in NYC

With all the talk of fun, exploring, and work, let’s not forget why you’re here in the first place. While you’ve already landed that college place and you’re ready for student life in NYC, what comes after? If you are moving to NYC, take advantage of the many opportunities in the city and try tobuild your resume. Depending on your field of study, try to find relevant internships, part-time work, and research opportunities to make sure you’re ready for the post-college job hunt.

7. Save money on books

books on table, surviving in NYC

This is one of those tips for college students that is going to save you money big time on study resources. Try to avoid buying books that aren’t essential to your course and use free online resources instead. If you really need certain books for a course, check outChegg,a site that lets you rent books for a semester. Alternatively, you can always just hit up your college library and borrow what you need from there.

8. Make a routine

set up a routine, surviving in NYC

Student life in NYC can be super hectic. After all, it’s not called ‘The City that Never Sleeps’ for nothing! You, on the other hand, definitely need to be getting enough sleep to survive studying and living in NYC. Make sure that you lay out a daily routine with fixed sleep and wake-up times to ensure you are getting enough rest. Plus, allocate time to different activities to make sure you are keeping up with things. This will help you to stay organized while you are studying and living in NYC.

9. Find time to workout

running, surviving as a college studentin NYC

One of the most important tips for college students is to make time to work out. Living in NYC can be hectic, and you may find yourself running to and from college, work, and social gatherings. However, you also need to find time for proper exercise, whether that is a morning jog, yoga, a home workout, or going to the gym. Staying active will keep you fit and feeling a lot more positive and energetic.

10. Use public transportation

person getting out of public transport, surviving in NYC as a student

While the subway may seem complicated if you are moving to NYC for the first time, it is the cheapest and most convenient way to get around the city. Getting familiar with the subway will make your student life in NYC much easier. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be traveling all around the city, zipping in and out of trains like a local!

Related:Zoos You Can Visit in NYC

cheapest apartments around nyc

All the best for your student life in NYC! No matter which college you choose and what course you take up, you’re sure to have a blast. Ready to start looking for a place to call home for the next couple of years?