Excited to move to Hawaii? With great weather and beautiful beaches, living in the Hawaiian Islands is not a chore. But with high living expenses, it’s better to find roommates in Hawaii.

Top 10 Things to Do in Hawaii | National Geographic

Is Living in Hawaii Expensive?

If you have done a bit of research about moving to Hawaii, you’ve probably come across numerous posts talking abouthow expensive living on the islands are. But, is it really true?

Housing in Hawaii can be expensive; after all, it is an island state so they have no way to expand. Every year, thousands of people move to these beautiful islands, increasing the demand for housing. Hence, it is not unusual for people to start looking for roommates in Hawaii, or opt for room shares. Affordable housing is scarce, but the view will make up for it!

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What Is It Like Living in Hawaii?

Before we delve into how you can find a roommate in Hawaii, why not explore what living in Hawaii is actually like? Living on the Hawaiian Islands is much different than what you would imagine. Residents do not go out surfing every day, nor do they spend their days lazing about on the beach.

Here’s what you can expect when living in Hawaii:

Being Surrounded by Hawaiian Wildlife

Do you like to explore nature and its lovely creatures? Well, between whales, birds, turtles and more, you will never be too far from wildlife. You don’t even need to head to the beaches or mountains to catch a glimpse of these creatures, birds and turtles may pop-up in your backyard as well!

Get Ready for Island Hopping

No matter which Hawaiian Island you live in, you will explore the rest easily. Travelling to different islands is easy; make sure to ask colleagues and friends about which places you should visit.

Don’t Be Fooled by the Paradise of the Pacific Tag

What you have heard about Hawaii might be far from the truth. While there is a beautiful ocean view to enjoy, you won’t be spending much time actually surfing the waves. Traffic is bad, and crimes still occurs. It is not as easy-breezy as it sounds. Despite it although, locals love living here, and most regret it when they decide to leave for good.

How Can You Find Roommates in Hawaii?

After a brief glimpse of what it is like to live in Hawaii, you might be ready to pack your bags right away. But with expensive rent and high living costs, looking for roommates in Hawaii is a necessity. If this is your first time sharing space with roommates, a few tips can help you select the perfect roommate.

Related:Find Rooms for Rent in Hawaii

Go to Trusted Sources

If you already know people in Hawaii, it can be easier to find trustworthy roommates who will not bail on you at the last minute. But with no recommendations, finding roommates can be challenging. Visiting trusted websites or using recommended apps is the next best solution. In popular places like Honolulu, finding roommates using these applications is easier as you have numerous options.

Multiple Interviews Are Necessary

Living with another person is difficult; there’s a lot of adjustment involved. A single meeting is not enough to know whether you arecompatible with another person.Make sure you meet them more than once and ask them everything that you would want to know about a future roommate!

Related:How To Survive Your First ‘Living With Roommates’ Experience?

Establishing Payment Agreement

Living in Hawaii is expensive; hence, you have to be upfront about costs. Make sure you decide which bills are to be split and which ones will be covered individually. Establishing payment agreements is crucial and helps both parties express their expectations from the other.

Related:Groceries And Roommates: How To Budget Better!

Ensure You Have A Written Agreement

No matter how trustworthy your roommate may be, it is always best to keep a written agreement in hand, especially when opting for roomshares in Hawaii. Keep a record of expected payments and payment dates, expectations for your roommates and any other conditions you may have. Establishing rules helps you both feel comfortable when at home, and can help in avoiding conflicts as well.

Living with roommates can be fun, but only when you are compatible with them. In Hawaii, you cannot avoid living with roommates, so make sure that you find someone that you can get along with.

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