Finding a roommate is difficult enough. Throw a pandemic into the mix, and you’re looking at the prospect of some very long conversations and personal questions. Either that – or moving to the suburbs with your parents. And we know which is worse. So how does one find a roommate during a pandemic anyways?

The reality is that – health crisis or not – you need somewhere to live. In the past, you could take your time, getting to know potential new roomis during a screening process, and examining your new home in detail before signing on the dotted line. Now, we’re in an era of distancing and remote conversations.

In Roomi’s latest guide, we’re helping you find ways to find a roommate during a pandemic – without the anxiety. Because you know as well as we do thatliving with roommates is awesome.

Look in the right places to find a roommate!

Where we look for roommates hasn’t really changed; let’s face it, it’s 2020 and we get all of our information online. The difference now is that you might have found choices to be limited near the beginning of this year. The good news is that this seems to be changing. At Roomi, we noticed that many people were moving away from the city at the start of the pandemic, but that coronavirus effects on the rental market are leveling out.

Head to the usual spots to find roommates, such as social media or other online marketplaces. For the added security that comes with background checks, look for roommates usingRoomi’s matching service. Using our secure platform, you’ll be able to discuss preferences and lifestyles and be confident that the person you’re talking to is who they say they are.

Get used to virtual tours when looking to find a roommate during a pandemic!

Whether you carry out a virtual tour or arrange a face-to-face meeting depends on all parties involved. Of course, some people would prefer to delay meeting in-person where possible.

We know that video calls can be awkward, but they’re an essential first step in the roommate finding process during COVID. Set up a FaceTime, Zoom, or whatever software you prefer, and ensure you honor the arrangement as you would a normal meeting. Show up on time, and bring the very best version of yourself.

It’s expected that anyone considering moving into a new place will want more photos, and a video tour of the apartment, before arranging an in-person inspection. Once the virtual tour is over and you and your potential roomi agree that you get along, the next step is arranging a face-to-face viewing of the apartment.

Practise the utmost cleanliness and respect at this stage. If you’re renting out a room, sanitize everything. Ensure everyone keeps their distance, wears a face mask and follows recommended hygiene measures.

Ask the right questions!

Honestly – the vibe of roommate interviews has changed. We’ve gone from asking someone’s favorite take-out cuisine and occupation, so some more serious questions. These are vital to find a good roommate during a pandemic. And the correct answers are critical.

Some questions you might want to ask – or can expect to be asked – include:

  • How seriously are you taking social distancing?
  • What are your long-term plans for living in this city?
  • Are you working from home?
  • What kind of hygiene measures are you taking?
  • How have you been spending your time during the pandemic?
  • How do you get groceries right now?

It’s not as fun as vibing over which popstar you had a crush on when you were a teenager, but these questions have to be asked to make sure you’re entering into a comfortable, collaborative living situation.

D’you know what else Roomi does outside of helping its readers find a roommate during a pandemic? With our ever-increasing lists of rooms and roommates across the world, we help you find your perfect match!Download the app here and hop on the easiest ride home, ever!