TheRidgewood neighborhood is an affordable, quiet neighborhood of friendly and pragmatic people based out of Queens. Covering about two square miles, it offers an interesting blend of organized living and pragmatic culture.Allcombined with friendly people and lots of little one-off corner stores with an old-school feel.So here’s Roomi’s Ridgewood neighborhood review!

Firstly,the Ridgewood neighborhood isn’t the kind of place where artists are making their name. Or whereclubs are rockin’ it well into the night. In fact, this is where you go to see mothers calling out their windows for children to come home for dinner.And you become a regular at a tiny store that only you and the locals know about.

A Layout For Living

Houses are the most common sight in the Ridgewood neighborhood. It doesn’t have the swooping vertical features found in the heart of New York City. And thatgivesyou a nice view of the surrounding area. The stoops are typically well swept, clean, and organized. Additionally, the slower pace of the Ridgewood neighborhood is reflected in the easy-going conversations between people relaxing on the stoops and talking with their neighbors.

It takes35 minutesto get to Rockefeller Plaza and to Union Square or Wall Street from the Ridgewood neighborhood. While thecommuteisn’t ideal, it’s close enough to be doable but far enough to keep the housing prices lower than other parts of the city.

Ridgewood neighborhood review:Great for families

The Ridgewood neighborhood doesn’t have much in the way of parks, but theJoseph F. Maferapark is a pleasant, quiet little place to relax. It does have more choices in the form of playgrounds. The Benninger Playground, Rosemary’s Playground, and Starr Playground are just a few examples. Moreover, they provide fun spots where parents can relax and keep an easy eye on their kids.

2 girls and 2 boys playing football in a park in the Ridgewood neighborhood, Queens, NY

TheRidgewoodneighborhoodbranchof the Queens Library system offers a more low-key place to catch up with books for the whole family. They also offer music, movies, games, and even teen radio.

Corner store time machines

Scattered amongst the houses are a variety of corner stores in the Ridgewood neighborhood. Many of them feel like taking a step back in time, to when days were simpler, and people were in less of a rush. TheRidgewood Pork Storeis one fine example. The shop window has little ceramic pigs which greet you upon your arrival. Inside, you’ll find a host of tantalizing smells and options, like smoked lamb with rosemary, and jalapeno and onion sausages. You might think this kind of quality would be super expensive, but many of the shops in the Ridgewood neighborhood are proud to be part of the community and work hard to keep their prices fair. If the houses are the bricks of the community, then these corner stores are the cement that holds it all together. Coffee, groceries, sandwiches, and more await you just around the bend.

Apartments on Roomiin theRidgewood neighborhood have an average rent of $900. If you want a pleasant place to start a family or just like quiet, clean city living, Ridgewood is the place for you. It has managed to hold on to its unique lifestyle, but a17 story apartment buildingis on its way. So now is the time to move in and get settled before everyone else in New York and their mother discovers what a great place this is to live.

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